丁連財老師 經濟學人 The Economist 導讀 實況 (2017/4/22)


  1. How Donald Trump affects America’s tourist business: The industry’s lobby wants him to reassure foreign visitors
    川普推出禁止中東北非特定國家穆斯林進入美國, 又禁止特定國家旅客帶隨身電腦商機, 已經影響外國旅客前往美國意願, 外國航空公司減少赴美班機; 美國飯店業者,餐飲業者,運輸業者與紀念品業者.都受到衝擊;但是首都的觀光業與餐旅業者生意反而興隆, 因為前往首都舉行示威抗議, 表述對川普不滿者愈來愈多.
  2. How to deal with the world’s most dangerous regime: Donald Trump grapples with his trickiest task
    北朝鮮問題難解, 金正恩軟硬不吃, 若川普開戰意圖明顯, 金正恩可能先發制人發動核戰而造成上千萬人死亡; 美國最佳政策是嚇阻北朝鮮,且與中國密切合作---中國對北朝鮮有巨大籌碼, 中朝貿易佔朝鮮85%,而且中國控制北朝鮮的石油來源 ·
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上課方式: 由於經濟學人週刊 The Economist 的文章都帶有某學科或跨學科的知識, 老師會先針對該堂所選讀之文章有關的知識. 用 Mini-Course 的方式快速授予學員, 然後帶著大家研讀文章, 解決在閱讀當中會遇到的所有問題.

The Economist was erected in 1843 and it has been a cornerstone of liberalism for the Western world for more than one and half centuries.

It is the most prestigious weekly on the international current affairs, encompassing all the important and significant activities, events, trends, and issues across the world, about which the knowledge includes all subjects or disciplines human beings have already established: humanities, social sciences, life sciences, natural sciences, physical sciences, material sciences, medical sciences, business studies, political and international studies, sex and gender studies, Biblical and theological studies, military technology and war strategy, robots and robotology, unmanned devices and vehicles, artificial intelligence, comparative religions, comparative constitutions, comparative governments, comparative histories, and obituaries of the world famous people (mini-biography).

The ability needed to read and understand the articles, including reports, comments, analyses, and leaders (editorials), is high English and knowledge levels, of which both are intertwined and combined. Lacking either of these two elements will make your reading the Economist a disaster and definitely demonstrate that you are disqualified for the status all the readers of the weekly enjoy: a member of the global elite intellectuals.

Let James Liencai Ding help you achieve the status as a member of the global elite intellectuals.




脫歐英文就不行了? 丁連財老師經濟學人 The Economist 導讀 (2017/05/13)

丁連財老師 經濟學人 The Economist 導讀 實況 (2017/4/15)