丁連財老師經濟學人 The Economist 導讀實況 (2017/4/29)

A better way to care for the dying
How the medical profession is starting to move beyond fighting death to easing it

Not everyone will be in a condition to toast death’s imminence with champagne, as Anton Chekhov did.
Anton Chekhov為俄羅斯著名短篇小說家,著有小說"六號病房"。他在病榻上,從容地飲完香檳離世。當然不是所有的人都這麼豁達。

Medicare, America’s public health scheme for the over-65s, has recently started paying doctors for in-depth conversations with terminally ill patients; other national health-care systems, and insurers, should follow.

The Arctic as it is known today is almost certainly gone
On current trends, the Arctic will be ice-free in summer by 2040
Never mind that the low price of oil and gas means searching for them in the Arctic is no longer worthwhile.

  1. Never mind 一般意思就是tell someone not to be concerned or worried. ”沒關係” “莫擔心” “不介意”等意思
  2. Never mind somethingnever mind that+ 子句. 意思是 used for saying that the time when something is wanted, needed, or possible has gone; not to mention; and certainly not 因…而甭談了; 既然…就不用再提了.
  3. 例句: Never mind that the low price of oil and gas means searching for them in the Arctic in no longer worthwhile. Or that the much-vaunted…..Never mind that or that ‘’’(. Or that..) 根據(- A or B)= (-A and – B)邏輯原則, 是倆件事都 Never Mind
  • 英文不只單一字彙有很多定義, 到底是哪個, 要看前後文而定, 而判斷能力快而準者就代表程度較高; 英文的片語也是有超過一個以上的定義, 要看前後文而定, 而判斷能力快而準者就代表程度較高.
    可參考丁連財老師的《白癡翻譯》(有500題)先看一遍, 把被誤教的錯誤觀念先自腦中剔除.
  • 丁連財老師的經濟學人 The Economist  導讀,由文章情境抽絲剝繭到文句分析,會與一般考試導向的單字文法句型段落的方法不同,適合自我進修者參加。

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脫歐英文就不行了? 丁連財老師經濟學人 The Economist 導讀 (2017/05/13)

丁連財老師 經濟學人 The Economist 導讀 實況 (2017/4/15)