如何好死? 丁連財老師經濟學人 The Economist 導讀 (2017/04/29)

老病痛苦者有無自殺權, 末期患者該受怎樣的照顧?

圖表:A better way to care for the dying: How the medical profession is starting to move beyond fighting death to easing it
文章:How to have a better death

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關於安樂死 丁老師另外開了書單請大家參考

  1. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Global Views on Choosing to End Life by Michael J. Cholbi (Author, Editor) 
  2. Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide (For and Against) First Edition Edition by Gerald Dworkin (Author), R. G. Frey (Author), Sissela Bok (Author)
  3. Christian Theology and Medical Ethics: Four Contemporary Approaches (Theology and Medicine) Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 1996 Edition by James B. Tubbs Jr. (Author)



脫歐英文就不行了? 丁連財老師經濟學人 The Economist 導讀 (2017/05/13)

丁連財老師 經濟學人 The Economist 導讀 實況 (2017/4/15)